Effective Questioning: Working Towards a Thinking Classroom

2017-02-27 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Intended Audience: All Syracuse University Full time, Adjunct and Ph.D. Face-to-Face and Online Faculty.

This session will focus on creating engaging student questions using Bloom’s Taxonomy as the basis. The following concepts will be discussed during this session:

  • Students learn key concepts better when they have opportunities to actively monitor their understanding.
  • Knowledge is socially constructed and people learn best in supportive social settings when working with peers.
  • Students become better learners when we challenge them to answer questions that require the use of higher order thinking skills.

Objectives of this session are:

  • Develop your own self-awareness and analysis of your current questioning techniques
  • Identify key features of good questioning
  • To enhance the planning for and use of questions


The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning at the iSchool looks forward to having you join us for what will be an enlightening and engaging workshop on breathing new life into your classroom.