Complete an Independent Study form with the student, and email Tess Schaufler, undergraduate (thschauf@syr.edu) or Jose Taverez, graduate (jltavare@syr.edu) 114 Hinds Hall.
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Please advise the student to send an email to Tess Schaufler (thschauf@syr.edu) and to stop into Student Services, 114 Hinds Hall, to meet with an advisor when they return to campus.
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Faculty members should contact Art Thomas (apthomas@syr.edu) for advice and guidance through Syracuse University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
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Oftentimes, undergraduate and graduate students will go to advisers and faculty members for advice about internships and career goals. Students could inquire about where to submit paperwork for internships, ask for a list of employers or want to know which strategies work best to secure an internship.
Resources for this can be found on the iCareers Resources page.Was this helpful?0
The academic calendar shows registration, academic, holiday and financial deadlines for undergraduate and graduate students.
- 2016-76 Academic Calendar
- Scheduling, Final Examinations and Reading Days
- Academic Integrity Policy
- Syracuse University Policies
- Email Policy
- Health Services Policy – includes the conditions when Student Health Services will provide medical excuses to students.
Student-Athlete Absence
Click on the link below to find more information on the recommended class-absence process instructors can implement for student-athletes that are required to travel.
Student-Athlete AbsenceWas this helpful?0
FERPA is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act that grants certain rights to undergraduate and graduate students.
Click on the link below to find more information on the rights for students of which instructors must be aware:Was this helpful?4
Click on the link below to find various policies and documents for iSchool personnel:
iSchool Personnel PoliciesWas this helpful?0
According to Syracuse University Hendricks Chapel’s Religious Observances Policy:
Syracuse University recognizes the diverse faith traditions represented among its campus community and supports the rights of faculty, staff, and students to observe according to these traditions.
All University offices are asked to be sensitive to the needs of faculty, staff, and students who are observing a religious holiday when scheduling meetings and events.
Deans, department chairs and program directors are asked to make every effort to avoid scheduling meetings or events at times that would exclude faculty who are observing a religious holiday from participation.
Supervisors are asked to be supportive of staff members who request vacation or personal time to observe a religious holiday and to make every effort to avoid scheduling meetings or events at times that would exclude such staff members from participation.
Faculty are asked to make appropriate accommodation for students’ observance needs by providing an opportunity to make up any examination, study, or work requirement that is missed because of an absence due to a religious observance, provided the instructor has been notified no later than the end of the second week of classes. No fees will be charged to the student for the costs incurred by the University for such make-up work. If a faculty member is unwilling or unable to make an appropriate accommodation, the student should consult his or her academic dean. View a detailed student policy. Students must fill out a form on MySlice to notify professors about religious observances. Faculty can access MySlice to see if students have completed this form for their classes.
Syracuse University recognizes that the faith traditions observed by our diverse community include more holidays than can be captured adequately in a list. In addition, some observances vary by tradition and by country and are defined by the lunar calendar. However, to assist in identifying religious observance days, Hendricks Chapel has compiled a list of religious holidays that reflect a large proportion of the University community and that may or may not fall on University work and class days.Was this helpful?0
Click on the link below for the latest information on how academic integrity cases are reported, reviewed and decided (effective 1/1/2017):
Academic Integrity Cases Reported, Reviewed & DecidedWas this helpful?0
Payroll, Budget, and Travel
To view paychecks, benefits or tax forms, use your NetID to log into MySlice. If there are questions about contracts or payroll, email Maureen O’Connor Kicak at mokicak@syr.edu or call x5605.
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The answer is "No". If you have any agreement or contract questions, please contact Stephen Block, Assistant Dean for Administration, at scblock@syr.edu.
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Don’t do it yourself. Please see anyone in the budget office to complete this. The budget office is located in the Dean's Suite, Hinds Hall 343.
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Yes! Lubin House in New York City is available for meetings and overnight accommodations to full time staff/faculty traveling on university business.
Greenberg House – Washington, DC is also available for meetings.
http://greenberghouse.syr.edu/index.htmlWas this helpful?0
Yes! The university has discount pricing with the Syracuse University Sheraton, the Genesee Grand and the Crowne Plaza for visitors to Syracuse.
Also, direct bill is available.
For Reservation assistance: please contact Jennifer Pulver.
Car Rental
The university has a discount rental agreement with Enterprise Car Rental.
Hertz #1 Club Gold also offers free membership to SU employees.Was this helpful?0
The iSchool follows all university policies and procedures for reimbursing expenses. For complete information, please link to the following guidelines. And remember, receipts for expenses must be delivered to the school’s budget office no later than 75 days after the expense is incurred
iSchool Expenditure Guidelines
Travel Expense Detail Report SU2016Was this helpful?3
Yes. Faculty and staff travelers need to register with ISOS https://www.internationalsos.com using My Trips portal. (See attached instructions.) The University’s membership # is 11BCPA000177.
ISOS is a University vendor that provides worldwide access to emergency medical, security and travel assistance, as well as evacuation services, if necessary.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Jennifer Pulver in the Budget Office - 443-5446 or jlpulver@syr.edu.Was this helpful?0
Yes! Travel advances are available to faculty/staff traveling on SU business. Advances must be requested at least 2 weeks before departure. Please contact Jennifer Pulver for more information.
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Yes! Direct deposit for expense reimbursements is encouraged and can be requested through MySlice.
http://administrativeforms.syr.edu/administrativeforms/display.cfm?content_ID=%23%28%28%2D%2E%0AWas this helpful?0
Yes! SU is tax exempt in NYS and several other states. Please note that when requesting expense reimbursement, sales tax is not reimbursable when incurred in states where the university is tax exempt. Click on the link below for more information.
State Sales Tax Exemption FormsWas this helpful?0
Yes! SU employees can receive discounts on cell phone service from Verizon, AT&T and Nextel/Sprint. Click on the link below for more information:
SU Discounts and ServicesWas this helpful?4
Syracuse University has travel policies and procedures that should be referenced before scheduling a trip of any kind, whether it be for a conference or for official school business. The information can be found by clicking on the following link: Syracuse University Travel Policy
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Yes! Click on the following link to access a 3 page .pdf document outlining purchasing and travel guidelines: iSchool Expenditure Guidelines
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Click on the link below for a list of the faculty and staff available to help you should you have any questions or concerns regarding your teaching needs:
iSchool ContactsWas this helpful?0
Faculty Support (fSupport) is housed in the Dean’s suite and is led by Mariann Major and Sue Nemier. The team consists of iSchool staff and a number of well-trained student workers who assist with a myriad of tasks. Support services include, but are not limited to: photocopying, faxing, PDF conversions, scanning, on-campus errands, project support, catering, mailings, workshop or meeting support, and providing signage for cancelled or late classes. We are here to make your job easier, so don’t hesitate to ask for help.
For a more detailed description of services we provide, click here.
Email the fSupport team at fsupport@syr.edu or call x2911. Visit the fSupport team to learn more about the services our staff/students provide to our faculty, located in 343.Was this helpful?3
For assistance with computers, training, connectivity, printers, digital resources, servers, storage or admin rights at the iSchool, submit a help ticket to IT Services. Answers for a number of resource and technology questions may be found using Answers.syr.edu, the iSchool’s IT Services page and SU IT Services, Security and Policy pages.
The iSchool IT Services department has regular office hours, but the University Information Technology Services department can also be reached at help@syr.edu or 443-2677. Please contact University ITS for MySlice and Air Orange X connection issues.
Both black/white and color printers are in the new printer room 014. Black & white scanners are found on the big copiers in Hinds Hall 114, 245 and 343. Printers are added by IT Services to systems provided by the iSchool. For assistance, submit a help ticket to IT Services or call 443-4490.
To add an iSchool Printer to Personal Devices (note you will need admin rights to laptop to complete these steps):
Mac: How to Print to an iSchool Printer from a Mac
PC: iSchool_Printing
For fastest service, contact IT Services Support by submitting a help ticket.
If you do not have access to the Internet, contact the IT Services team in-person in 002M, or call 443-4490.Was this helpful?0
Formerly the Undergraduate TA (Teaching Assistant) Program.
IST 300 Undergraduate Client Support Consultant Program
If you are thinking about having undergraduate support for a class this coming semester, now is the time to get your plans all settled. Here is an easy 5 step process to finding you a Client Support Consultant (CSC) and getting them all set and registered officially for the coming semester:- ANY instructor can utilize one of our undergraduate students for a CSC position – full time faculty or adjunct. If it will enhance your class and the student’s classroom experience, we’re all for it. Therefore, think about what you’d like a CSC to do for you and how they would help enhance your class instruction. You can use the PDF’s attached at the bottom of the page for ideas, and talk to other professors about how they leverage their CSC’s (we are happy to recommend some regular CSC-users to you).
- Ask a student, likely a former student in one of your sections who you know you can trust to be responsible, and who has demonstrated proficiency in the work. We like the student to have received a B+ or better in the class the first time around. If you need a recommendation of someone, just let the advising office know and we can pull rosters from former class sections.
- Once you have a student who agrees to be a CSC for your class, sit down and look at the structure of your class. Build out the expectations (very specifically) that you have for your CSC and amend the PDF’s below to match your goals.
- Sit down with your new CSC and run through your expectations and their syllabus in detail. Let them ask questions and be very sure that you’re both on the same page with how the semester will run. Both of you should sign the paperwork here in the necessary spaces.
- Send your student to Tess Schaufler with all the paperwork. We’ll keep a copy in the advising office and send you both back a copy. The only way your student receives their credit for the work they are doing is if they bring in the paperwork so we can enroll them in the “IT Client Support Practicum” course and notify the registrar. We’d like this paperwork settled TWO WEEKS BEFORE the start of classes. Paperwork should include the IST 300 contract/form, the IST 300 syllabus with your specific amended expectations, and a copy of the course syllabus.
We are happy to enhance your teaching experience by providing you the ability to have a CSC for your class. Hosting a CSC is often really rewarding and the student finds the experience extremely beneficial as they get to connect further with a professor, have a deeper understanding of material and develop the people skills that come with serving others.
There are many benefits of having a Client Support Consultant:- You can develop deeper connections with our students
- You get a fresh set of eyes (from the student perspective) on your teaching material and receive feedback before you present to class
- A CSC can test the weekly labs before the class completes them to fix any bugs or alert you of any confusion
- The student CSC learns the material in a whole new way, helping them gain a deeper understanding often leads to them pursuing more coursework in that subject area
- Someone can help you answer questions when all those hands go up in the labs
- Student CSC’s can assist with light grading and organization projects
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Form
IST 300 IT Client Support Practicum SyllabusWas this helpful?0
The purpose of the faculty assistant (FA) program is twofold: 1) it helps recruit top students by providing a mechanism for the student to get paid for helping full-time faculty members with their work; and 2) it helps faculty members achieve their professional goals. Each faculty member can hire one 10 hour per week FA per semester (fall and spring only). Faculty may present proposals for additional FA.
Click on the link below to find out more information about Faculty Assistants:
Faculty AssistantsWas this helpful?0
For assistance with classroom or computer lab needs:
- On-the-spot help with teaching technologies within classrooms/labs or a lab malfunction, James Powell and his team can assist, call x5025 or visit Hinds Hall 011A. Alternately, call x4490 or visit IT Support Services.
- For consulting services to plan for next semester’s class operations or technology, submit a help ticket to IT Services
Click on the links below to find out more information on each:
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Blackboard is the learning management system at the iSchool. To get started with Blackboard, navigate to the iSchool Blackboard Support and Resources page within the Faculty Center.
There are additional Blackboard Faculty Help pages, videos and additional Blackboard resources on the Answers Blackboard pages.
How to Contact the iSchool Blackboard Team:- Visit the Faculty Center - 206 Suite Hinds Hall
- Phone: 315-443-8144
- Submit a help desk ticket with Blackboard as the request type
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Visit 114 Hinds Hall, and ask for a Change Of Grade form. Complete the form, and return it to one of the advisors.
If you are not on campus, email the grade change to Tess Schaufler, undergraduate (thschauf@syr.edu) or Jose Taverez, graduate (jltavare@syr.edu).Please Make sure to include the following information:
- Student’s name
- SUID number
- Course number
- Course section
- New grade
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Complete an Incomplete Grade form with the student, and email or return the form to Tess Schaufler, undergraduate (thschauf@syr.edu) or Jose Taverez, graduate (jltavare@syr.edu) 114 Hinds Hall.
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Grades are due from faculty shortly after the semester is over. The iSchool strongly recommends translating numeric scores into letter grades. Please reference important dates, processes, resources and support information by clicking on Syracuse University Grading Policies to find out more information about Syracuse University's grading policies.
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Assistance For Students
• SU Libraries Liaison: Tasha Cooper; nacoop01@syr.edu; 351 Bird Library; 315-443-9518
• Ask Us!
Citing Information
• APA Guide: With links to web guides and locations of print sources
• Citation guide (more styles)
• Citation management tools: Getting started with RefWorks, EndNote Online, Zotero and Mendeley
• Turnitin for student use and general citing information
Departmental Pages and Resource Guides for specific areas:
• Archives, Centers, and Departments:
o Belfer Audio Archive
o Special Collections Research Center
o Syracuse University Archives and Records Management
o All Departments….
• Selected Guides:o Business Information Guide
o Information Management-DPS Resources
o Information Technology Guide
o iSchool PhD Resource Guide
o Library and Information Science Guide
o Numeric Data Services
o Research Data Services
o And more
Off-Campus Access to Library Resources
Students and instructors are easily able to access the Libraries’ e-resources off campus.
What’s Missing?
Suggestions are welcome (mail to nacoop01@syr.edu). Please feel free to suggest a new guide for your class or program or a resource you think students will find useful.Was this helpful?0
- Article and book delivery/Library to Go
- ILL/interlibrary loan
- Suggest-a-resource request: Email Tasha Cooper (nacoop01@syr.edu) or submit a resource request
- Course reserves information
- SURFACE: Submit your work to the institutional repository
- Citation Metrics, including Altmetrics, guide
- Syracuse University Press
SU Libraries Links
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Below are resources that will provide instructors with information and resources about copyright:
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Librarians are available for specialized presentations to your class. Sample topics include:
• Business resources
• Cataloging/metadata
• Collection development
• GIS and data visualization
• Preservation
• And more – Not sure who to ask? Check the full list of subject specialists, or contact Tasha Cooper for a referral
Instructors can request instruction for a class, as well.
If you have questions about SU Libraries, email the library liaison, Tasha Cooper, at nacoop01@syr.edu.
Tasha can meet you in Bird Library, Carnegie Library, or Hinds Hall. She plans to be in Hinds Hall each week. Please contact her for a schedule.Was this helpful?4
Click on the link below find out more information about Ebooks:
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General Questions
If you plan an event, whether it is a small meeting, a classroom outing, a conference or any other event, your fSupport team is here to help. Our students will make signage, arrange room set-up, create name tags and sign-in sheets, provide supplies, deliver beverage service for breaks and assist in other ways during the preparation for the event, as well as during the event.
Our staff will assist in the planning for the event, and will handle the logistics, as well, such as booking space for the event, handling catering, ordering supplies, arranging for hotel rooms, parking and travel for guests, etc.
Stop by our offices at 343 Hinds Hall and speak to Mariann Major or her staff about your needs, or email the fSupport team at fsupport@syr.edu.Was this helpful?0
Hinds Hall is the iSchool’s home on the quad. Renovated in 2003, iSchool leadership with J.D. Taylor Construction of Syracuse and Ashley McGraw Architects transformed the 53-year-old building into a sleek, modern space that supports an open exchange of ideas and information. Facilities include computer labs, classrooms, the IceBox, iCafe, collaboratories, research centers and labs. Click the link below to get more detailed information on the facilities available to you.
iSchool Facilities InformationWas this helpful?0
The Syracuse University campus map shows buildings and roads on main campus, south campus and the warehouse/downtown. Click on the link below for a copy of the campus map:
Syracuse University Campus MapWas this helpful?3
MySlice is a secure site for you to view faculty services, employee services and employee resources. Faculty services include your course enrollments, class rosters (this includes the student name, photograph, email address, level, program and plan), and where you enter your grades. Employee services include payroll information, where you can view your paycheck, and you can access and edit your personal information. Employee resources include holiday schedules, forms and procedures.
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Parking Services provides information about transit schedules, permits and parking at the campus.
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The Registrar provides instructors with information about grading, course catalogs and updated academic calendars.
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Sue Nemier orders business cards. The information required is office number and telephone number, so business cards cannot be ordered until that information is known. To contact Sue with any specific questions regarding business cards you can email her at: sanemier@syr.edu or call her at 443-2911.
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Yes! The iSchool follows the same styleguide as Syracuse University does. You can find information on what colors to use, what types of images you should use, templates and various other information by clicking on the style guide link below:
iSchool Styleguide
If you have any specific questions about public facing materials, you can contact Michael Clarke, Director of Online Strategy at mmclarke@syr.edu or call 443-4930.Was this helpful?4