If you need a refresher on grading in Blackboard, or haven’t had a chance to view and explore Blackboard Collaborate, check out our sessions for this week!
Interactive Web Conferencing Brings Big Benefits to the Online Classroom
By: Linda Macaulay EdD and La Tonya Dyer
“…web conferencing provides a venue for sustained interactions between students, authentic cooperative learning, and collegial sharing of ideas and project progress.”
Highlights: active learning | tips for success and classroom management in synchronous sessions | recorded sessions
November 14th, 2011 Faculty Focus
For more tips on recorded sessions, see articles on guest experts and recording instruction sessions.
This week in Tips from Brenna and Tasha:
As your classes work on major/final projects, here are some tips related to posters and research:
Did you know Bird Library has plotters for printing poster projects on the 1st floor? Trained Learning Commons staff are available to help your students print (ideally between 8 am and 5 pm).
Printer options and pricing information here.
Are your students in the midst of research projects? Here are a list of sources they could use:
- SAGE Research Methods Online is a research methods tool to help researchers, faculty and students with research projects. Explore methods concepts, design research projects, understand or identify methods, conduct research, and write up findings using the resources available.
- SAGE Research Methods Datasets provides access to datasets for teaching qualitative and quantitative methods. Datasets include sample sets, with a description of the research project and instructions regarding the method.
The SU Libraries Data Science Research Guide points to resources for students and researchers in the field of data science.
The SU Libraries Data Services Research Guide describes library services for the identification, collection, management, analysis, and curation of quantitative and qualitative research data.
Keep in mind the various open access resources available as well:

Reminder of just a few of the general FCTL services available to all instructors…
One on One consults: Let’s talk! Teaching tough concepts, developing class activities, grading, balancing your time between job and teaching, etc., we’re happy to chat about ways to support you personally. (0.5-1.5 hour)
Classroom Observations: Having an issue or just want the thoughts of another instructor? We’ll arrange to see a class session, or observe online for 2 weeks, then give you feedback. We can also help you add and/or assess anything you want to try out for the next semester (or next week!).
Syllabus Review: Send us your syllabus for fast applicable feedback (turnover within 5 days).
Classroom Demonstrations: We can demonstrate any technology you would like to use in the classroom, from online polling to Blackboard and assignment creation tools.