
Tips for lecturing: 

  • Lecturing is more than standing and talking.  Be aware of your physical presence and eye contact.1 
  • Use visual aids and presentations to complement your lecture and further students’ understanding of the material.1 
  • Engage students with an attention grabber/opening.2
  • Be organized, and convey your organization with an outline.4  
  • Use real-world examples to make connections and convey relevance.2 
  • Ask for questions throughout the lecture.2 
  • Make lectures interactive and incorporate activities throughout.3 
  1. https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/guides-sub-pages/lecturing/#basics
  2. https://prezi.com/6uzfpmq1j1of/engaging-students-in-large-lecture-classes/
  3. https://www.cte.cornell.edu/teaching-ideas/engaging-students/active-learning.html
  4. http://www.usciences.edu/teaching/tips/spal.shtml#lectures